NinjaPig in Europe: Part 6

We brave London on the day of the tube strike to see Hamlet.

We got to sleep in this morning and that made everyone happy. Breakfast was the same as the morning before. NinjaPig turned a blind eye to my egg and bacon sandwich. We wanted to make sure we were full before we started on our bus journey.

The bus stop was crowded and we had to ask a kind bus person for the best way to get to our destination.

We changed our route several times to our advantage. It was sort of like a mini bus tour.

Look at all that traffic!

I think we saw one strike picketer. He was mostly ignored by people walking by.

Finally, after just about two hours, we made it to our last bus stop. From there we walked to our theatre, passing a few places we had planned on checking out if we got there early enough.

The city was going to be putting out 250 extra buses and bicycles out to help with the transportation problems.

Then, NinjaPig told me she wanted to join the protest. I asked her what she was protesting. She said Hamlet.

(Pun courtesy of ninjapigsims)

We made reservations for dinner, picked up our tickets, and got cold drinks and snacks inside the theatre.

Then we waited… until it was time for dinner! Β Starter was good!

Entree was delicious! (No photos but it was so good!)

And dessert was amaaazing!

FINALLY, it was time for the show!

It was very funny and Benedict was amazing. They were able to insert a lot of humor into the sad story of Hamlet.

Afterwards we waited outside for a cab and then got sucked into the crowd of people waiting by the stage door. We weren’t going to wait because they said he wasn’t coming out but we did anyway. It ended up okay, because a family got out of a car right in front of me and I grabbed it. πŸ™‚


  1. The bus crowd looked crazy! I’m so glad you guys got through all that safely. πŸ™‚

    Yay for a wonderful time! πŸ™‚ Aw, you didn’t have to give me credit for the pun – but thank you so much for doing it. πŸ™‚

    I love everything you ate! What was it? I can only assume that the entree was some kind of margherita pizza thing? And the dessert looks like pannacotta. Looks amazing! πŸ™‚

    My favourite photo is the one with ninjapig on the yoghurt parfait thingy! She looks like she’s trying to figure out how to get herself into the carton. ❀

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    1. The starter was flatbread with goat cheese, tomato, greens of some sort, and olives. The entree was hake with mashed potatoes and it was amazing!!! The dessert was creme caramel custard, I think.

      Liked by 1 person

      1. IN FOR FANCLUB! He was SO AMAZING in Hamlet. Just hilarious! He’s such a goofy guy. They’re supposed to be recording it for theatrical release so it should be different than what we saw. I am DEFINITELY going to see it!

        Liked by 1 person

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